Sunday, 22 February 2009

Pre Oscar Blammo!

Well here in the UK it's only the real hardcore that sit up watching the Oscars on a potentially illegal Internet stream that they found earlier after heavy Google searching. I kinda don't care so much this year as I feel Oscar has really shown it's detachment from sense by the shunning of The Dark Knight from the Best pic category and Chris 'God' Nolan from the directing one... but we here at Blammo back anything to do with either Nolan's epic sequel or Arronfsky's The Wrestler so fingers crossed.

Here's the Blammo predictions for what will win though:

Best Film - Slumdog Millionaire
Best Director - David Fincher
Best Actor - Mickey Rourke (if there is a god)
Best Actress - Kate Winslet
Best Supp Actor - Heath Ledger
Best Supp Actress - Penelope Cruz
Best Cinematog. - The Dark Knight
Best Original Screenplay - In Bruges (if anyone hasn't seen this yet I really recommend you do)
Best Adapted Screenplay- Slumdog Millionaire
Best Foreign Film - Waltz With Bashir
Best Score - Benjamin Button
Best Song -Slumdog Millionaire
Best Animated Feature - Wall-E

Let's see how we do!


  1. Is Springsteen up for a Best Song nomination for The Wrestler?

  2. Nope. Again with why panels of judges become weaker in their decisions the more that make up their numbers.

  3. Then I suggest we call OFCOM immediately.

  4. Well great night for British cinema but bad night for getting the required amount of sleep. Good night true believers!
